This edition of NeuroCenter® EEG provides you with an advanced EEG viewer, which enables you to view your EDF+ EEG files. The viewer comes with tonnes of built-in functionality:
- Browse through the signal easily with your keyboard;
- View information about the file, like used signals, amplitude, transducer type, samplefrequency;
- Adjust montages and signal colors;
- Adjust viewing interval and timebase;
- Adjust signal gain and overall gain;
- Filter the signal using high performance filters;
- View and edit annotations and markers;
- Signal zooming;
- Measuring ruler for amplitude and frequency.
To aid you in the assessment of the EEG, cutting edge analyses are also included in your subscription:
- Alpha / Delta ratio calculation;
- Spectral Edge frequency;
- Spectrum analysis;
- Spectrogram.
- Brain Symmetry Index (BSI);
- AI-based routines for detecting Interictal Epileptiform Discharges (IED’s).
Connection to cloud storage providers is included in this subscription as well:
- NeuroCenter EEG Secure Online Vault*;
- NextCloud;
- S3 Storage;
- Google Drive (desktop platform only)
- HiDrive (desktop platform only)
*For NeuroCenter EEG Secure Online Vault a separate storage subscription is required.